《C# Primer Plus》PDF电子书下载

C# Primer PlusPDF电子书下载
《C# Primer Plus》内容简介
Klaus Michelsen / Sams / 2001-12-15 / USD 49.99 -

C# Primer Plus is a tutorial based introduction to the C# language and important parts of the .Net Framework. Throughout the book the reader will be exposed to proven principles enabling him to write clean, high-quality programs. Object-oriented programming and principles are a cornerstone of the book. C# Primer Plus aims to make OOP clear and applicable without being too technical through a gentle introduction and bountiful examples. The book uniquely utilizes the concreteness of the C# language to explain the fuzzy concepts of OOP. It will allow the reader to experiment with OOP and confirm her newly acquired knowledge. OOP will on the other hand help explain why C# is designed the way it is. To avoid superfluous distractions only the most relevant parts of the .Net library classes will be discussed.

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